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Optomap Imaging

Early identification and diagnosis are key to maintaining optimal eye health. Digital retinal imaging technology like Optomap is a great tool in helping assess the health of your retina, optic nerve, and relating structures like critical blood vessels.

Optomap is a non-invasive imaging tool that is able to capture more than 80% of the retina in a single image, which can help your optometrist assess and diagnose any eye issues and or diseases sooner than later.

Optomap Imaging Can Detect Conditions & Diseases

  • Diabetic related eye diseases
  • Age related macular degeneration
  • Macular holes, edema & pucker
  • Optic nerve related issues
  • Hypertensive & diabetic retinopathy
  • Retinal detachments
  • Hereditary retinal eye diseases
  • Glaucoma
  • Cancer

The Optomap Imaging Stage of an Eye Exam

During this portion of your exam, you will be asked to look into the medical device, where you will see a colored target. Then a flash will occur and an image will be immediately produced and saved as part of your patient file. This will be referred back to upon your next visit to assess for changes.

Choosing to receive imaging during a regular eye exam allows your optometrist to assess your eyes with a great deal of depth. Having the ability to compare changes over time can significantly help in diagnosing eye issues/diseases sooner than later.

Book Optomap Imaging

Schedule your eye care appointment today and experience the difference of personalized, comprehensive eye care.